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Book cover for Stephen Ilott's The Domestic Archaeologist showing a red front door of a house

The Domestic Archaeologist
By Stephen Ilott

The Domestic Archaeologist does what any good archaeologist does, digging through the accumulated layers of detritus to uncover patterns and life that have been lost over time. This is about reclaiming your life from the billion things and to-do’s that have buried you alive.

In this book Stephen asks us to dig into our lives. Not just our physical junk, but our emotional and mental rubble that has brought us to the point where we’ve bought a book on organizing. The Domestic Archaeologist asks us to look beyond the clutter to see the bigger picture, the bigger context, and our bigger goals.

“Susan Crossman has a remarkable talent; a talent for applying just the right pressure at just the right place, and at just the right moment to reveal where a writer’s masterpiece is hiding.

She wields that editorial power with heart and experience and an audacious joy for the process. I am so lucky to have met her just when I did.”

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