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Book cover of Trish Tonaj's A Diary of Change showing a toybox filled with flowers and tools

A Diary of Change 12 Personal Tools
By Trish Tonaj

A Diary of Change 12 Personal Tools shares an experience about one of life’s adventures that revolves around enormous personal and professional change. The foundation to success is sharing a formula for individual Health and Wellness and the personal tools that were used to rebuild a life.

The success formula allows us to educate ourselves on the various options available and find the tools to MOTIVATE each other to execute the plan. This will give us a sense of individual empowerment resulting in work/life balance.

Trish Tonaj, Author of Diary of Change 12 Personal Tools and Breaking Barriers: 10 Entrepreneurial Women Share Their Stories

“Writing your first book is a thrill that lasts a lifetime and as a new author I was looking for an editor that could not only scrub spelling and correct grammar but provide an editorial perspective, suggesting any rewrites before I self-published.

I was referred to Susan from Crossman Communications through a networking group. Working with Susan accomplished all of my objectives. Her professional approach was both encouraging and insightful. I would highly recommend that you find an editor that you can trust and who will guide you through the process. I would recommend Susan to any new and seasoned author! Thank you for sharing your skills and expertise.”

Trish Tonaj

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