Susan Crossman’s Speaker Promise is simple:
Engage the audience and share great insights.
With decades of top-drawer writing experience in the demanding worlds of journalism, corporate communications, marketing and book writing, best-selling Canadian author Susan Crossman is a unique and powerful business speaker who encourages her audiences to dream bigger, reach farther and draw excellence into every aspect of their lives.
Susan’s two main speaking topics are ostensibly about content marketing and book writing and editing, but her perspectives on life and language are vast, and she will make your audiences think, feel, and soar…before circling back to re-engage with the work they do in the world in new ways.
She is a storyteller and a catalyst.
She is also an old hand who still believes in magic, and she’s a dreamer who knows how to get things done.
And she defies the odds by bridging the gap between creative possibility and daily reality. Is your audience ready to wake up to some fresh ideas? Then you’ll want to book Canadian Speaker Susan Crossman for your next event.
Watch Our Video!
Susan Crossman, Author, Editor, and Content Consultant
Susan Crossman’s main focus in her working life is to serve her clients and make their business dreams come true. She is a professional writer and communicator with an outstanding résumé in the world of writing. Here’s what she had to say to a crowd gathered to hear her speak in a rugby stadium in New Zealand.
About Susan

- A career writer who has been obsessively studying the relationship between language, personality, motivation and results for decades
- The traditionally-published author (Manor House Publishing) of two fiction and two non-fiction books, one of which became a best-seller in its category on Amazon
- A content marketing consultant whose business, Crossman Communications, delivers quality content marketing programs to successful businesses
- A book coach and editor who helps other businesspeople write and publish the books that will help their careers take off to new heights
- A decent human being who believes that it’s desirable for us all to drop our judgments, forgive our imperfections, persevere in the face of disaster and wake up to the possibilities that are all around us
Speaking Topics:

Becoming the Hero of Your Own Author Journey
Leaning in to the Transformational Task of Writing a Book
Becoming an author takes us on a heroic and transformational journey into deeper dimensions of who we are and who we are here to be. This talk looks at the three transformations that we must bravely encounter if we wish to fulfill the promise of our dreams of becoming an author.

The Business of Being an Author:
Build Your Brand and Boost Your Book Sales:
Five Tools for Success
Five critical aspects to writing, publishing and promoting your book to ensure that you can share your story with more people, and sell more books, while staying true to your message and your audience.

Your Book as a Bridge Builder
Leverage your book for greater impact
Learn how writing a book can bridge to your readers, to deeper dimensions of your Self, and to your unpredictable future as a published author.

Other Topics Available Upon Request
As the widowed, “sandwich generation” mother of three children, who runs two demanding businesses, Susan has a lot to say, as well, on the topics of resilience, efficiency, forgiveness and the war zone our teenagers must now navigate as they strive to become functional adults. How can we possibly hope to thrive in pandemonium? Book a chat with Susan to see how her insights might support your audience.