What Could a Mobile App Do For YOUR Business?

Now that the new Crossman Communications mobile app is live and launched, my team and I are brimming with ideas on how to maximize its value and its reach. It was a long process to create the app, and then populate it with content we felt would be valuable to our clients, business friends, and readers. But it’s been worth the effort!
We were so pleased with our new mobile app, and it was so much less expensive to create than I had expected, that we decided that to start offering app development and app content creation and management services.
Have you thought about an app for your business?
Here are some interesting and important facts about apps:
- people spend, on average, more than three hours a day accessing information on their phones
- 80-90% of the time people spend on their mobile phones and tablets is spent in apps not web browsers
- mobile apps return higher engagement rates than any other platform
- mobile phones and apps are the fastest-growing technological platform out there today
So, it’s great to have a mobile-friendly version of your website available for people. But it’s no longer enough. And, parenthetically speaking, of course it isn’t enough! The world of online marketing technology is changing faster than I ever could have imagined. It’s tough to keep up!
But we can help with that. Crossman Communications is pleased to be able to assist you to develop a mobile app for your book and your small business, and then populate it, and manage it, so you can get on with the important work of serving your clients and creating even more effective ways to make a difference in their world.
We will walk you through the entire process, one step at a time, and give you clear direction in learning how to maximize the benefits available to you through your app. Because apps are becoming so key to business marketing, we want to ensure that you:
a) understand why you need to bother at all with an app and
b) make sure you have access to a quality app creation service that will help you meet your marketing objectives in a timely and cost-effective manner.
I invite you to download our app, The Conscious Communicator, and see how we’re using our app for business communication purposes. Then, if you’d like to have a conversation about how we can put this technology to work on your behalf, shoot us an email at info@crossmancommunications.com and let’s find out if this is practical for your book and your business.
I truly believe that we live in a world of unlimited possibility. Let’s explore what’s available to you in this area!