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Crossman Communications and the Year Ahead

The holiday celebrations are well behind us and I’ve had a chance now to turn my attention to designing the year ahead. I generally set a handful of goals at the beginning of every year to help me focus my energy on the activities that will support my dreams and desires. I supplement these annual goals with smaller monthly project goals, and I make sure I also stay open to dancing with whatever other opportunities flow my way as well.

I recently summarized how this worked for me last year and you can read about the experience in my most recent blog.

Here’s what I’m planning for 2013:

  1. Write a non-fiction book on writing. Although I’ve had this project in mind for the past two years I’ve been cheerfully sidetracked by other book projects: my novel, Shades of Teale was published by Manor House Publishing in 2011 and my collection of short stories, Passages to Epiphany, followed in 2012. With those two major projects complete, I’m hoping to finish the manuscript for my writing book this year and take a proposal to my publisher in the hopes I can see that one in print as well.
  2. Develop two business products. I often receive requests for help with writing training and I do the best I can to keep up with demand. Graceful writing skills are valuable in our world and I am hoping to develop at least two products that will help people express themselves with greater clarity and skill going forward.
  3. Talks and presentations. In 2012 I found that serving existing clients kept me hopping and as a result I didn’t speak publicly as often as I might have liked. It’s something I love to do so I’ve decided to refocus my time and energy this year to make more time available for speaking engagements and workshops. If you would like me to address your group or organization about any issues related to writing, editing or coaching, I invite you to get in touch.
  4. Become more conversant with radio and film production. I began my career as a print journalist and never had the opportunity over the course of my career to spend much time working in radio or TV. The taste I’ve had over the past few years has been fun, however, and I’ve decided to become more involved in the area. If you have a project that I might suit, let’s chat!
  5. Converse more in French and Spanish, German and Italian. I love languages and although my French and Spanish are reasonably good my German and Italian could use a little polishing. In 2013 I am going to find opportunities to improve my fluency in all the languages I speak.

And that’s a wrap! If you would like help setting and achieving your own goals I offer a goal coaching service to help put you on track for making your dreams come true as well. If interested, you can connect with me at

Best wishes for a superb year ahead!


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