My Fifth Book is Now Available – Join Me for My Online Book Launch!

I can remember when my first book, Shades of Teale, was published, and I finally got to hold a copy of the novel in my own two hands. It was the culmination of many years of hard work that had involved a tough climb up a steep book-writing learning curve. But it was one of the most thrilling moments of my life.
Fast forward some years now, and I’m just as thrilled to have taken delivery now of my fifth book, Your Personal Marketing Playbook: The Art of Creating Personal Capital On and Offline. This is a non-fiction book that I co-wrote with my friend and colleague, Paula Hope. Paula is a referral marketing expert who I had coached to the completion of her first book, Stop the Saboteurs.
We’ll be launching our new book at a special Virtual Book Launch on Wednesday, May 7 at 3:00 pm Eastern. The theme of our online Launch is Personal Marketing in the Post Pandemic Period and we’re thrilled to be hosting a panel discussion on “What to do NOW?” The panel will be anchored by Digital Rainmaker Husam Jandal and Referral Expert Victoria Trafton.
I’ve seen a few different definitions of the term “gold-collar worker” but they all seem to boil down to the fact that these are highly skilled knowledge workers with specialized problem-solving skills. They might be people working in technical fields, or they might be doctors, lawyers, scientists, consultants, and so on. Paula and I are both entrepreneurs, and we are sensitive to the special challenges of being an entrepreneur, so we’ve written the book for people who, as Paula says, “Live by their wits.”
As a referral marketing expert, Paula helps people build a referral marketing network that is aligned with their values and their outlook. She then assists them to leverage that network to build their business. She’s helped business owners create untold millions of dollars in revenue through her business, Booked Solid, and if you are interested in finding out how she might help you leverage this type of business development service for your business, I urge you to check visit her website!
As for me, I’ve been writing marketing copy for years and I’ve seen a lot of changes in how business owners represent themselves both on and offline. It’s my privilege to not only coach people to the completion of the books they are here to contribute, but to also assist successful businesses to communicate their value proposition to their target audience through their online content. My contribution to Your Personal Marketing Playbook Plan represents an extension of the services I offer through my business, Crossman Communications/Content with Clarity.
We’d love it if you would register for our official book launch coming up! Click Here:
Hope to see you there!