Have You Registered for Author KickStart Live?

A lot of people decided earlier this year to make this the year they would knuckle down and write their book. They felt conditions were perfect to give the project the focus it needed. Heck, a lot of people decided that last year, too.
The year is half over now. How’s it going?
If you could use a mega boost with your book project—even just a little inspired action to add to your momentum—I invite you to join me at my next three-day online event, “Author KickStart Live: How to Write and Publish Your Book to Share Your Message and Grow Your Business Exponentially,” scheduled for July 9-11, 2021. Having written five books now, I realize It takes both creativity and consistency to write a book that supports your mission and your business. And we’ll be examining aspects of both at this powerful online event. I am pulling out all stops necessary to make this another highly impactful deep dive into the creation of the book only you can write.
Like the event we ran earlier this year, Author KickStart Live will share the book development blueprint I’ve developed for coaches, consultants, innovators, and other people who aim to make a difference in the world. You can use what you’ll learn at my event to:
• Assess where you are on the book writing journey and create a plan for getting the job done
• Learn the irresistible formula for writing a book that will honour you, your business, and the people you are here to serve and
• Connect with other amazing people who are also on the unfamiliar journey writing a book represents
Response to our last event was heartwarming and gratifying. Inspiring thoughts were expressed, amazing connections were made, and participants left the event feeling motivated and excited about the books they were writing, or had been planning to write, sometimes for years.
Participants connected with the content, with each other, and with their dreams of becoming the published authors of quality books that will make a difference…in their lives and in the lives of their readers. Many reported it was the best event they had ever attended.
This Event is patterned on our original event and will help you shift your book writing activities into overdrive and wipe out any doubts you’ve ever had about your ability to write a book that reflects powerfully on you and your authority, while providing concrete value to your readers. Having worked with countless authors on their journey from “wanting to write a book” to “having successfully published” I am extremely sensitive to the mind trash that gets in people’s way. Heck, my first book took me 13 years to bring to publication, and I spent a lot of time stuck in the cesspool generated by that dark question of, “Who am I to write a book?”
Fast forward to today and I can happily note that I’ve figured out how to get over both the mind trash and the practical challenges involved in writing a book, both for myself and for my clients: two of my books became Amazon best sellers in multiple categories, including Marketing and Leadership. And it gives me HUGE pleasure to help my clients envision, develop, and publish the books they yearn to write so they can complete their missions while supporting their businesses with clarity and authority.
I’d love you to join us at Author KickStart Live so I can share some of what I know about the magic of writing a book while supporting you to the creation of a book that supports your work in the world!
Register now and join me as we start laying the foundation for the book that you have been longing to write, the book your ideal reader is waiting to read.
PS – Check out our “Bring a Friend” campaign – click here to get your own affiliate link. Your friend’s fees will be paid directly to you after the event.
Good to connect